The sequel to the highly-successful Captain Marvel may have a release date slated 2 years from now but it isn’t stopping the rumor-mill from teasing what might come. According to MCU Cosmic, Carol’s next adventure will set up the next Avengers status quo, similar to what Captain America: Civil War did for the MCU.

If I had to guess how this could happen, then I’d have to say that it has something to do with all the Secret Invasion rumors we’ve been hearing. A couple of weeks ago, we heard that a Secret Invasion miniseries was being eyed for the Disney+ streaming service. Secret Invasion was one of the events discussed during the pre-production of Carol’s first film. We’ve met the MCU Skrulls, seen some of them in Spider-Man: Far From Home, and may meet more of them down the line. As far as status quo changing Captain Marvel events go, Secret Invasion is the best bet.

Source: MCU Cosmic