EA Art Director From DICE Signs On With Retro Studios


It’s been just over a year since Nintendo announced it had restarted the development of Metroid Prime 4. Since then, Retro Studios has been recruiting like no tomorrow.

Now, according to VGC, the Texas-based studio has hired DICE’s art director Jhony Ljungstedt. He’s helped with the art direction for multiple EA blockbusters, including Mirrors Edge Catalyst, Battlefield V, Medal of Honor, and even expansion packs like Battlefield 3: Close Quarters.

Here’s what Ljunstedt had to say over on LinkedIn about this move:

Today was my last day at DICE and it’s with mixed feelings I’m leaving something that’s been part of my life for such a long time. It’s been great journey and I feel privileged to have got the chance to work with all the talented people at DICE, you will all be missed… Now I’m ready for a new chapter in my life, and looking forward to my new journey at Retro Studios.

VGC believes he’s been hired for Metroid Prime 4, but there’s always the possibility the studio could have other plans for him. It’s also worth mention that Retro has also been seeking an art director since last June.

This follows on from the recruitment of Halo series character modeller Kyle Hefley last October. At the start of this year, the Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze lead designer returned to the studio as well.

This sounds like another great recruitment for Retro, given Ljungstedt’s experience with the first-person genre. What do you think, though? Share your thoughts below.

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