Know More About Coming 2 America Cast

Know More About Coming 2 America Cast

Coming to America rocked the entertainment industry back in 1988 and is one of the movies that helped put the then 26 year old Eddie Murphy on the Map. Now, over 30 years later, the movie has managed to bring back what seemed like a depleted career back to life.  The movie comes with a more African theme and seems to have a lot more drama going on than the first one. Therefore, put those top online casino games on hold for a few hours and get to watch the following acting legends back in action.

Eddie Murphy

The actor has managed to come back into the movie and play his two roles as Prince Akeem and Rand Watson. And, because we do not want to be the ones to give you spoilers, on whether or not his character has turned out to be like. And, now, he is the ruler of Zamunda and has some really important decisions to make for the longevity of his legacy and kingdom. Hopefully, he can get to save the kingdom from the evil General Izzi.

Shari Headley

After watching the 56 year-old actress in some of the clips, we can definitely attest to the popular phrase “black don’t crack.” The actress still looks as beautiful and graceful as she was in her 20s.  Get to see how she managed to perfectly fit into her role in the royal family. Although she went ahead to star other movies, her Coming to America Role is one of her biggest roles.

Maybe it would be a good idea for casino sites to offer complimentary tickets to gamblers so that they can watch this highly-anticipated movie. You can click here to learn more about online gambling.


Rotimi was not even born when the first movie was made. Now, he gets to be part of the most watched movie right now.  The 32 year old plays the role of Idi Izzi, the son to the villain of the movie, General Izzi played by Wesley Snipes. The Nigerian singer could not hide his excitement to be a part of what is looking to be the most promising movie of 2021.

