Marvel One Scoops | Unruly Industries

Join Tracy Tubera and Erik Scoggan as they chat about Unruly Industries Marvel Venom, Deadpool and Ghost Rider One Scoops!

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Every ice cream party needs the right host. The Limited Edition Venom: One-Scoops designer collectible toy by artist Erik Scoggan puts a swirl of symbiote sweetness right within your grasp.

Artist Bio: Erik Scoggan is a graphic artist from Southern California who was raised on superhero cartoons, junk food, and ‘The Far Side’ comics. Utilizing pop art and surrealist influences, the tone of his work gravitates towards the off-centered and humorous.

Artist Statement: The ‘One-Scoops’ Designer Toy Series is a quirky homage to the ‘Marvel One-Shots’ series of comics, but you know… if the characters were ice cream cones! I have lots of memories of excitedly chasing down ice cream trucks on my bike when I was growing up, only to be met with a face on my frosty treat that only sort of resembled the character – I always thought that was really funny. For these pieces, it was also really important to me to make the cones removable, because I want people to be able to hold them and play with them, and hopefully be taken back to when they were a kid!

Also, please DO NOT try to eat these figures (as tasty as they may look).

Brand: Marvel
Manufacturer: Unruly Industries™
Type: Designer Collectible Toy

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This video was first published onYouTube Source link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing.

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