PUBG Mobile’s latest update reintroduces Hardcore Mode whilst adding a new gun and features to Classic | Articles


PUBG Mobile is celebrating its second anniversary this month and to commemorate the occasion there will be some festive content as well as a big old update. This update – 0.17.0 – will reintroduce Hardcore mode, add a new weapon and features to Classic Mode, introduce Royale Pass Season 12 and a whole lot more.

Hardcore mode is pretty self-explanatory, it was a popular game mode that was available in the Arcade for a time. It’s now made its return, offering a trickier PUBG experience where sound prompts have been removed and manual actions are required for normally simple tasks such as opening doors.

Elsewhere, in Classic Mode, a new weapon and features have been added to the game. The DBS can now be found exclusively via Air Drop, giving players an extra shotgun option. It fires two shots per mag and holds 14 rounds per reload. You’ll be able to equip a Holo Sight, Red Dot and 2x-6x scopes to it.

They’ve also introduced a Brothers in Arms System where players can identify as a rookie or veteran. The veteran will then be tasked with guiding the rookie through games, teaching them how to play. They’ll receive rewards for doing so.

The Death Replay function that Cameron mentioned in his recent feature that focused on Project: Ban Pan has also been added with this update. This will allow players to witness their killer’s actions moments before their death, allowing them to see exactly how they got the drop on them.

There is also quality of life additions such as Universal Marks, which will allow players to ping locations, vehicles, death crates and doors for quicker, visual communication with their teammates. On that theme, you’ll now be able to adjust the voice volume for individual teammates. A colourblind mode has also been incorporated and will be accessible from within the Graphics Settings menu, which is a great accessibility feature. 

Finally, kicking off on 9th March will be the Season 12 Royale Pass that’s called ‘2gether We Play’ to commemorate the second anniversary of PUBG Mobile. It will bring a host of festive gear, rewards and challenges to complete. Later, on March 12th, players will also have a chance to enter the Amusement Park in the Classic Erangel map where you’ll be able to play a series of interactive games.

PUBG Mobile is available now on the App Store and Google Play. It’s a free-to-play game with in-app purchases.

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