The 15 Most Powerful Villains Wally & Barry Have Ever Faced


There have been several people who have taken on the role of The Flash in DC Comics over the years, but the two that sit at the top are Barry Allen and Wally West. While Jay Garrick was the golden age Flash, Barry was the first superhero for DC Comics when they relaunched their superhero line in 1956, and he carried the role until Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985, a run of 29 years.

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After his death, Wally West moved up from his role as Kid Flash and became hugely popular to many DC Comics fans due to his more grounded personality. He carried on as Flash until Barry returned in 2009, marking his run at 23 years. Between the two, their rogues’ gallery is one of the top groups of villains in comic book history. Here is a look at the 10 most powerful villains Barry and Wally faced as The Flash.

Updated April 24th, 2020 by George Chrysostomou While the Flash continues to run circles around his rogues on the CW and the comics introduce us to new villains every month, it’s appropriate to take another look at more of Wally and Barry’s greatest foes!

15 The Trickster

The Trickster is actually more dangerous than he may appear. With deadly tricks up his sleeves and a number of gadgets and gizmos that he’s invented, he’s managed to trap the scarlet speedster on many occasions.

It’s a surprise that this powerless individual can actually take down a metahuman but he is chaotic and clever enough in order to use his own abilities in order to fight off such a powerful hero.

14 Heatwave

Captain Cold is clearly the leader of this duo and therefore appears later on this list, however, Heatwave and his obsession with fire are perhaps just as dangerous. He doesn’t have the wits to back it up but he’s an incredibly deadly villain.

He’s committed countless crimes of arson and thieving and has a grudge against the duo of speedsters due to their constant fight to stop his bid to get rich quick. Even the fastest man alive can’t run from the flames forever.

13 Captain Boomerang

Captain Boomerang is only as strong as his strongest weapon and lucky for him he has some serious firepower in those iconic Australian pieces of technology. He’s perhaps comparable to heroes like Hawkeye and the Green Arrow.

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Because of his level of technology and skills with them, he is actually one of the most memorable people on the Flash’s rogues gallery. A man with a boomerang doesn’t reach that level of fame without possessing some remarkable abilities.

12 Killer Frost

Killer Frost’s nature is in her name. She is a cold hearted murderer and wouldn’t hesitate to kill Wally West or Barry Allen. While she’s shown signs of heroism in both the comics and of course the show, her deadly past is reputable.

The infamous villain has a vast array of powers, some of which can give other villains on this list a run for their money. Ice is always a killer, whether it’s due to her daggers or perhaps the creation of frost bite.

11 The Thinker

The Thinker is the smartest villain on this list for obvious reasons and is therefore one step ahead of Barry and Wally no matter how run they fast. He’s also got a lot of technology to hand if he needs to get into a fight.

His chair is weaponized and has capabilities that the Flash has never really seen before, but his plans are so far above the other villains on this list that it makes him an extremely viable threat in the comics and as the main villain of the TV show.


Abra Kadabra is a minor villain in DC Comics that gained a little more popularity when The Flash on The CW made him a character on the show. On the TV show, Abra Kadabra is a technologically advanced villain from the 64th century that gives him powers similar to the magic used in the 21st century.

In comic books, he is a similarly powered character, but in his original run, he not only had the futuristic tech-based powers but he also struck a deal with a demon named Neron to become an actual sorcerer. In the New 52, his most significant accomplishment was trapping Wally West in the Speed Force


Cicada is an interesting character on The Flash on The CW. There were multiple versions of him, including Orlin Dwyer, a man who had the power to nullify most metahuman’s powers and set out to exterminate all metahumans. His niece, as an adult, is a time-traveler who takes on the same task. Finally, there is David Hersch, who is the comic book version and exists across the multiverse on TV as a third Cicada.

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In DC Comics, Cicada was a Flash villain who first showed up in 2001 as a cult leader who gained the ability to absorb the life force from people after lightning struck him. He was a Wally West villain and was almost immortal since he acquired a century of life every time he killed a person — and he killed dozens of people before eventually stopped and banished to a penal colony on another planet.


Dark Flash is Walter West, a man on a parallel Earth whose life was the same as Wally West until the battle with Kobra where, unlike Wally, Walter was unable to save Linda’s life. Due to her death, Walter could not remain the hero that Wally was and went mad, killing and crippling villains instead of arresting them. As a version of Wally West, he has the same powers, making him very powerful.

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In DC Comics, he traveled to present day to replace The Flash when Abra Kadabra appeared to have killed Wally and Linda, but Walter was older and more powerful. His arrival caused problems in Hypertime and Superman and Wonder Woman forced him to leave as a result. He bounced around timelines, never making it back to his reality.


Captain Cold became one of the most popular Flash villains thanks to The Flash on The CW. However, in the comics, he is just another rogue for Flash to face. Like most Flash rogues in the comics, Captain Cold is not a superpowered villain but instead uses weapons and tech that freezes things instantly.

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In the show on The CW, the weapons Captain Cold uses were stolen from Cisco and are just as powerful as those in the comics. Over time, Cold becomes less a villain and more of an antihero and soon joined the Legends of Tomorrow to help save the world across the spans of time.


While Eobard Thawne used the name Zoom many times in comic books, the original New Earth version in DC Comics is who The CW show used for its Zoom — Hunter Zolomon. In the comics, Zolomon took on the costume and colors of Thawne and became one of Wally West’s most powerful villains.

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Zolomon was police officer, a metahuman profiler for the KCPD who was paralyzed by Gorilla Grodd and then gained powers from the Speed Force following an accident with the Cosmic Treadmill. He lost his mind and became Zoom to become Flash’s greatest enemy in an effort to try to make Wally a better hero in the end.


Gorilla Grodd is a Flash rogue from Africa’s Gorilla City.  The original Grodd, which debuted in DC Comics in 1959, was a telepath who could control other animals and also had a form of mind control as well over humans. In the New 52, all inhabitants of Gorilla City had accelerated mental attributes due to the Speed Force, but Grodd was still the superior member of their species.

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On The Flash on The CW, Grodd is a very intelligent gorilla experimented on at S.T.A.R. Labs to try to create a super soldier for the U.S. Government. However, the torture and unethical treatment caused him to grow angry and evil, and he escaped, seeking vengeance. Grodd has powerful mind control powers on top of superhuman strength and an enhanced intellect.


While Mirror Master never seemed like much more than a B-grade supervillain in Flash’s rogues’ gallery, his powers make him so much more. Before he became a Flash villain, the second Mirror Master, Evan McCulloch, was an assassin in Scotland and was already a formidable foe. However, once he got his Mirror Gun, he became incredibly powerful.

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The Mirror Gun gives Mirror Master the ability to travel to an alternate dimension by entering and exiting any reflective surface. On top of being a significant pain in Flash’s side, Mirror Master has also fought Animal Man and was someone that gave him all he could handle. The CW used the Sam Scudder version and was only a minor villain.


Making his first appearance in 1995, Savitar was a pilot for a third-world nation whose plane was struck by lightning, giving him super-speed. He named himself after the Hindu god-of-motion and started to build a legion of followers who considered him a god.

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The Flash on The CW changed everything about Savitar and made him even more powerful. That is because Savitar on the television show is Barry Allen from an alternate future created after Flashpoint. The entire story is confusing but needless to say, Barry’s friends shunned him after he failed to avenge Iris’ death by beating Savitar — and his anger caused him to became Savitar, which means he was fighting himself this entire time. Savitar is faster than present-day Barry and possibly more powerful.


Godspeed is a brand-new Flash villain and another speedster. Debuting in The Flash: Rebirth Vol. 2 #1 in 2016, August Heart was the partner of Barry Allen and knew Barry was The Flash. When lightning struck August during a Speed Force storm, he gained access to the Speed Force and became Flash’s partner, helping stop speedsters who used their powers for evil purposes.

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However, August also worked as a ruthless vigilante known as Godspeed in secret to seek revenge for his brother’s death. Godspeed began killing speedsters and gained their speed when they died. It took the combined efforts of Barry, Wally, and the new Kid Flash to stop him.


It should come as no surprise that the villain that tops this list is the greatest threat to Flash — Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash. He was Flash’s biggest fan in the future and wanted to become a hero like Flash. He used remnants of the Speed Force and gave himself powers. He then created dangers so he could save the day and become a hero.

When Barry Allen traveled to the future, the two met and bonded. However, when Flash learned that Eobard hurt people to look like a hero, he turned him in. This betrayal turned Eobard into a villain who wanted nothing more than to hurt The Flash, so he traveled back in time and killed Flash’s mother, which is what led Flash to become a hero.

NEXT: The Reverse-Flash: The 10 Most Villainous Things He’s Ever Done (And The 7 Most Heroic)

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