The Simpsons Quiz: Who Did It?


Debuting on our television screens in 1989, the world didn’t quite know what The Simpsons had in store for them. Thirty one years have passed and without fail you can find regular re-runs of The Simpsons episodes on your television sets all day round. There was even a movie released in 2007 and high hopes for an eventual sequel (we don’t know about you but we really need to know what Spider Pig is up to these days!)

The popularity of the show is credited to the investment put into the character writing, which in turn gains emotional investment from the audience, plus the enormous depth of memorable characters in the show is something yet to be rivalled.

Over the decades there has been many memorable moments in The Simpsons but how much of a fan do you consider yourself to be. Can you identify who it was that did the following things?

Answers are at the end!

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