Trailer for Steven Spielberg New movie “The Post”

Trailer for Steven Spielberg New movie “The Post”

New Steven Spielberg movie, The Post is out. It is centered around events surrounding the release of the Pentagon papers and the characters involved (The Post in this case is a direct reference to the Washington Post.). Featuring an ensemble cast, the movie attempts to create a new and entertaining perspective on those series of events. Tom Hanks and Meryl Steep are among the illustrious cast featured in the movie.


The Post, billed as a fight between Government and journalism sees journalism try to hold a very powerful institution accountable for it’s actions as well as the threats it faces in attempts to realize this goal.

Kate Graham and Ben Bradlee (played by Meryl Steep and Tom Hanks respectively) get thrust into a censorship war. Caught between respecting the government’s requests and doing what is right, This two must cut through hurdles to make information available to the people.


The Post is focused centrally around the events involving the release of the pentagon papers. It focuses on the dangers of the steep and rocky path of journalism. Discussing themes like truth, integrity and accountability, this latest Steven Spielberg movie is a must watch.

The movie also touches on issues involving sexism and gender specific challenges encountered by women in journalism. Meryl Steep’s casting has particularly been praised as a step forward in the fight against sexism.

Cast and Crew

Central Cast of the New Movie include:

Tom Hanks as Ben Bradlee

Meryl Steep as Katharine Graham

Alison Brie as Lally Weymouth

David Cross as Phil Geyelin

Sarah Paulson

Central members of the crew include:

Steven Spielberg as Director

Amy Pascal, Steven Spielberg and Kristie Krieger as Producers.

Cinematography by Janusz Kaminski

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