Wednesday , May 8 2024

Meeting Captain America, Spiderman, Doctor Doom, Cyclops, Rogue, Storm and Blue Universal IOA

Meeting Captain America, Spiderman, Doctor Doom, Cyclops, Rogue, Storm and Blue Universal Islands of Adventures

Where are we today? Here is a hint, the end of the moving walkway is approaching, please watch your step. That’s right, today we are at Universal Studios Orlando Florida and we are going to spend the day meeting our heroes at Islands of Adventure. There are so many characters to meet and today we will be focusing on our favorite heroes and villains in Marvel superhero island and we will finally face our fear and meet Blue the raptor in Jurassic Park.. There is a lot going on at Universal right now, Big Fire is almost ready to open and we can’t wait to check it out and there is a new rollercoaster being built in Jurassic Park.
Walking into Islands of adventures you immediately feel a sense of adventure. There are so many details built into the park and you will find something new at each visit. It is still amazing how immersively each area of the park is and we love walking around and taking in all the sights. Marvel Superhero island is one of our favorite areas of the park. Not only do you feel tiny next to the giant Hulk, but the energy here is constantly high and you never know what can happen next.
That picture turned out amazing! We aren’t just meeting heroes today though, here at Islands of adventure you can hang out with Green Goblin and Doctor Doom. Looks like Cilly made a new friend!
Even superheroes have wardrobe malfunctions! Cilly lost his shoe on the way to meet Cyclops. That’s okay we still get to hang with the leader of the X-men.
Fun Fact: When I was a kid, Storm and Rogue were two of my favorite superheroes! Ian is willing to say but Cilly is ready for a snack, even superheroes get cranky when hungry.
After eating lunch, the kids are ready to play at Camp Jurassic before our last character meet and greet of the day. This is our favorite place to play in Islands of Adventure!
Blue looks like she is in a mood this morning, maybe she is hungry? Ian, dada said you can’t wait to meet a dinosaur isn’t that right?
We got the kids out of there before Blue got her snack and we had a great time at Islands of Adventure meeting some amazing characters! Let us know your favorite meet and greets!


Comic Book Sci Fi Experiences

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