Tuesday , February 11 2025

Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 – The Making of – Video Game News

Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 – The Making of – Video Game News

Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 – The Making of – Video Game News – After many years of waiting and many cancellations. The ultimate Video Game Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 is being officially released and fans are delighted .Watch the latest making of this highly anticipated  Video Game

Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Video Game News


Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 is a role-playing game of the dark future from CD PROJEKT RED, creators of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 is a narrative-driven, open world RPG set in the most vibrant and dangerous metropolis of the future — Night City. You play as V, a hired gun on the rise, who just got their first serious contract. In a world of cyber enhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners and corporate life-hackers, today is your first step to becoming an urban legend. Cyberpunk 2077 is set in the same universe as Mike Pondsmith’s classic pen & paper RPG system, Cyberpunk 2020.

Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Video Game News

The teaser trailer was first announced in 2013 and gamers have waited a long 5 years for further information on this video game ?? However good things come to those who wait.
Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Video Game News
 Based in the year 2077 in the dystopian city of Night City in California, you are free to explore the open-world as you wish. This US city has fallen to bankruptcy, famine and rebellion where technology is separated from the social classes.
Many big organisations have started taking control of areas where only the employees can live, and outside of these territories is dangerous. You will stumble upon a war between gangs and government to gain power. Looks like alot of fun and one of the most anticipated Games for 2019….
Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 is a role-playing video game played in a first-person perspective as V, a mercenary whose sex, hairstyles, face, body type, body modifications, background, and clothing are customisable. V’s clothing alters how interactions fare with non-player characters (NPCs), who are also at V’s disposal for romantic and sexual relationships. Stat categories—Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Reflex, Tech, and Cool—are malleable to the character classes that players assume, which are mainly NetRunner (hacking), Techie (machinery), and Solo (combat). V must consult a “ripperdoc” to upgrade and purchase cyberware implants, at the cost of eurodollars, more so in black markets for military-grade abilities.
Colours signify the rarity of any given equipment, from “uncommon” (green) to “epic” (purple). V can take cover, aim, run on the ground and walls, jump, double jump, and slide.If provided with arm blades, V may climb walls and, like with other close-combat weapons, deal melee strikes. There are three types of ranged weapons—Power (standard), Tech (which penetrate walls and enemies), and Smart (with homing bullets). These can be customised and modified. Ranged weapons are equipped to ricochet bullets in a target’s direction and (with a reflex booster) slow them down in bullet time. Four types of damage can be inflicted—Physical, Thermal, EMP, and Chemical (which are identified in enemies by scanning them with a bionic eye). Gunsmiths repair and upgrade weapons
Available on PS4 , Xbox & PC soon.
Find out more at the Official Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 website :

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