Lord of the Rings – the hunt for gollum 2019 – Award winning Tolkien short film
Lord of the Rings – the hunt for gollum 2019 – Award winning Tolkien short film

The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings Boxed Set (Illustrated Edition)
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Return to Middle-earth with unofficial Lord of the Rings prequel The Hunt For Gollum 2019 – based on the appendices of The Lord Of The Rings. This redux version has improved sound and picture. Directed by British filmmaker Chris Bouchard and released free to the Internet, this award winning film was inspired by Peter Jackon’s film trilogy and aims to dramatise an additional chapter in the Middle-earth saga for fans of the films & books. It was made on a budget of $5000 by a large team of volunteers in England and Wales.
No original footage, sound or music was used in the hunt for gollum 2019. The entire film was shot or created by the production team from scratch. It is released not-for-profit to the Internet. Starring UK actors Adrian Webster as Strider, Patrick O’Connor as Mithrandir, Arin Alldridge as Arithir & Gareth Brough as the voice of Gollum Official
site: www.thehuntforgollum.com
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien’s 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, but eventually developed into a much larger work. Written in stages between 1937 and 1949, The Lord of the Rings is one of the best-selling novels ever written, with over 150 million copies sold.
The title of the novel refers to the story’s main antagonist, the Dark Lord Sauron,who had in an earlier age created the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From quiet beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside, the story ranges across Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters, most notably the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Sam, Merry and Pippin.
Although generally known to readers as a trilogy, the work was initially intended by Tolkien to be one volume of a two-volume set, the other to be The Silmarillion, but this idea was dismissed by his publisher. For economic reasons, The Lord of the Rings was published in three volumes over the course of a year from 29 July 1954 to 20 October 1955. The three volumes were titled The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King. Structurally, the novel is divided internally into six books, two per volume, with several appendices of background material included at the end. Some editions combine the entire work into a single volume. The Lord of the Rings has since been reprinted numerous times and translated into 38 languages.
Tolkien’s work has been the subject of extensive analysis of its themes and origins. Although a major work in itself, the story was only the last movement of a larger epic Tolkien had worked on since 1917, in a process he described as mythopoeia.[b] Influences on this earlier work, and on the story of The Lord of the Rings, include philology, mythology, religion and the author’s distaste for the effects of industrialization, as well as earlier fantasy works and Tolkien’s experiences in World War I. The Lord of the Rings in its turn is considered to have had a great effect on modern fantasy; the impact of Tolkien’s works is such that the use of the words “Tolkienian” and “Tolkienesque” has been recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary.
The enduring popularity of The Lord of the Rings has led to numerous references in popular culture, the founding of many societies by fans of Tolkien’s works, and the publication of many books about Tolkien and his works. The Lord of the Rings has inspired, and continues to inspire, artwork, music, films and television, video games, board games, and subsequent literature. Award-winning adaptations of The Lord of the Rings have been made for radio, theatre, and film. In 2003, it was named Britain’s best novel of all time in the BBC’s The Big Read.
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#LordoftheRings – #thehuntforgollum2019 – Award winning #Tolkien #shortfilm #fanmade #fans