Friday , May 17 2024

Exit the Gungeon enters the Switch eShop and Steam today – TheSixthAxis

This Article was first published onSource link . We are just re-posting and re-sharing from their RSS feed.

Having debuted on Apple Arcade at the end of 2019, Exit the Dungeon is out right now for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam, bringing its ‘bullet hell dungeon climber’ to more platforms.

The follow up to Singlecore Games’ hit game Enter the Gungeon, Exit the Gungeon continued the journeys for absolution of the games’ Gungeoneers, putting a rather different spin and style on proceedings. As the game comes to new platforms, it’s also been given a major update, adding more things, updating and tweaking the bullet hell dungeon climber.

The underlying game has the same roguelite structure, with ever-changing arrays of weapons, the need to grab loot, and a trusty dodge roll, but you’ll be working your way up through floors in a side-scrolling fashion. You’ll battle Gundead enemies including the Minecart Shotgun Kin, Bullet Cardinal, and Flying Fungun, as well as ‘Jammed’ variants of various enemies.

The update has improved room variety, increased room size, and more devious elevators, intended to bring the average playtime up to better match Enter the Gungeon. There’s also major changes to how the game spawns enemies, and increased difficulty for veteran players.

The original game was a big hit for Singlecore, with the game capturing the imaginations of roguelite fans with its uniquely quirky style, selling millions of copies in the process. In our Enter the Gungeon review we said:

“Enter the Gungeon naturally won’t be for everyone, especially with its high difficulty and the pixel art graphics, regardless of how well crafted they are. It is, however, an excellent blend of roguelike and satisfying bullet hell gunplay that’s easy to dip into time and again.”

We’ve not really played much of the follow up since it released on iOS and MacOS last year, but as we prepare to do so, here’s hoping it’s got that same moreish style.

Source: press release

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