Top 8 Best Netflix Movies of All Time

Top 8 Best Netflix Movies – When it comes to streaming services, Netflix has become one of the most popular. With a library of more than 137 million titles, there is plenty to choose from when it comes to what you want to watch next. And with so many different options, it can be tricky to decide what you should spend your time on next. Let’s face it: there are more bad movies than good ones out there. However, that won’t stop us from binge-watching our favorite films whenever we have time. Since there are so many great films available on Netflix right now, we’ve put together this list of the top 10 best Netflix movies of all time. So if you’re looking for something to watch tonight, or perhaps even tomorrow night, keep reading for some ideas.
The Godfather – Top 8 Best Netflix Movies
If you’re looking for a classic to add to your list of best Netflix movies, you can’t go wrong with The Godfather. This critically acclaimed film is one of the best movies ever made, and has more than held up over time thanks to its high production values and incredible acting. This is the story of a family that is thrown into chaos when the patriarch is sent to prison. However, this is just a small part of a much larger story that features many of the best actors in Hollywood at their very best. It’s not only a great film to watch, it’s a great way to get a crash course into many classic movies.
Shawshank Redemption – Top 8 Best Netflix Movies
Many people know this as the best Netflix movies, but The Shawshank Redemption is significantly better than just a best movie. This is a tale of two men, both of whom are innocent. One serves a long sentence thanks to some bad decisions, while the other is a small time criminal who gets one chance to set things right. The two characters have some amazing scenes together, and help to show what has become one of the best prison movies ever. If you’re looking for a movie that will make you think about the impact of your actions, this is an excellent choice.
Goodfellas is a movie that is more than 30 years old, but still holds up well thanks to its portrayal of crime. This is the story of a mobster who gets involved with a few different schemes over the course of his career. It’s a tale that involves murder and money laundering, but also a lot of colorful characters who help to make it a great watch. If you’re looking for a classic mob movie to add to your list, this is a good option.
Transformers: Age of Extinction
If you’re looking for a movie that introduces you to one of the newer titles on this list, you can’t go wrong with Transformers: Age of Extinction. This recent film features many of the robots you know and love, but it also introduces you to some interesting new characters. This is an action-packed film with plenty of explosions, which is one of the best things about it. Many people show up to take on the Transformers, but no one survives the fight. If you want to see a good action movie that is more than 10 years old, this is a great choice.
Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens
If you’re looking for a movie that will bring you full circle to the classic movies of your youth, you can’t go wrong with Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. This is a movie that has become a classic in its own right, and has even helped to add a new generation to the fold of fans. This is the story of a group of heroes who are fighting against a sinister new threat. It’s a classic tale of good versus evil, and features some fantastic action scenes that are worth watching over and over again. Star Wars is always worth watching, and is a classic that will become more relevant with each passing year.
Jurassic World
If you’re looking for one of the newer movies on this list, you can’t go wrong with Jurassic World. This is the third Jurassic Park movie, and is a follow-up to the earlier efforts. In this movie, humans are allowed to play with nature once again by creating a brand new dinosaur species. It’s a great movie that balances action and humor, and is well worth a watch. This is an excellent modern take on classic movies, and will become more relevant with each passing year.
Suicide Squad
If you’re looking for a classic superhero movie that is more than 10 years old, you can’t go wrong with Suicide Squad. This is the story of a group of supervillains who are forced to fight for the good side. Many of them have had their memories erased, and each of them must prove their loyalty to the team. It’s a great movie that features a diverse cast of characters, and is well worth a watch in 2017. This is one of the newer movies on this list, and it holds up well.
Avengers Infinity War
If you’re looking for one of the best Netflix movies, you can’t go wrong with Avengers: Infinity War. This is the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is the culmination of many years of storytelling. This is the story of the Avengers and their battle against Thanos, a character whose goal is to collect the Infinity Stones. It’s an epic movie that will likely go down in history as one of the best ever made, and it is well worth a watch.
There are many great movies available on Netflix, but this list is meant to highlight the best ones. These are the titles that you will want to watch again and again once you’ve seen them. The Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Goodfellas, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, Jurassic World, Suicide Squad, and Avengers: Infinity War are all excellent choices. And once you’ve watched them all, there will likely be more to choose from. And if you’re looking for something a little different, we’ve also put together a list of the best movies on Hulu
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