Friday , February 14 2025

Top Grossing Games Of The Last Calendar Year

Top Grossing Games Of The Last Calendar Year

Gaming has come on leaps and bounds each year as the popularity of the industry improves over time. What this has shown us that the gross amount of the money in the industry has grown at an astronomical rate due to the quality of the games that developers are now bringing out and due to this below are some of the top-grossing films of the last calendar year.

[Image: Game Rant]

Of course, it is no surprise to see Call of Duty: Black Ops at the top of this list after another strong release this year. The Call of Duty series has always been one of the most popular series of all time and we expect that this reign is going to continue for years to come. Call of Duty has also been able to benefit from their Warzone series, which is free to play but has benefitted from this business model due to the number of in-game purchases that players are taking advantage of to make sure that their character is unique and exactly how they want them.

Other industries that have been recorded high grossing figures during the past calendar year has been online casinos, here are a few examples, and this could be down to the global pandemic forcing people to stay at home and therefore using casino markets as a form of entertainment. These particular casinos enable UK players to play on some of the best USA casinos on the market – something certainly worth checking out.

Another popular series that finds itself in the list of top-grossing games in the last calendar year is that of Assassin’s Creed with their latest episode being dubbed Valhalla. One of the best games to be played in the last decade in terms of originality, AC this time showcases a story of Vikings who are on the raid to take over an empire and eventually invade Britain. The intricate detail that this game goes into is second to none and fully deserved to be one of the top-grossing games due to the longevity it has shown to the gaming world.

And finally, from a sports gaming background, Madden NFL 21 is the only major sports game to make the top 10 of top-grossing films over the past calendar year which might be quite surprising to many. Madden has always been one of the better sporting games from Electronic Art but also does have some fierce competition in the sporting market from NBA 2K21 and FIFA 21 but still ranks highly than both of these.

Top Grossing Games Of The Last Calendar Year
Top Grossing Games Of The Last Calendar Year

[Image: Digital Trends]

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