Thursday , May 16 2024

THE DEAL – Short Comedy

Title: A Misadventure in Locksmithing: A Comedy of Errors Introduction: In this blog post, we will recount a humorous and eventful encounter between two individuals involved in a questionable transaction. The story revolves around a failed attempt to retrieve locked goods from a car, leading to unexpected consequences.

Join us as we delve into this comical tale filled with miscommunication, unexpected skills, and a surprising twist. — The scene opens with two individuals engaged in a conversation. They are discussing the exchange of money and goods, but it quickly becomes apparent that things are not going as smoothly as planned. The dialogue is filled with confusion and uncertainty, setting the stage for a series of comedic mishaps. One of the individuals, eager to confirm the presence of the money, asks the other if they have it. After a brief exchange, it becomes clear that the money is indeed present. However, a new problem arises when it is revealed that the goods are locked inside the car.

The individual who possesses the goods suggests calling a locksmith to resolve the issue. However, the other person, who does not own a phone, declines the offer, citing concerns about being tracked. This refusal leads to a desperate plea from the individual with the locked goods, as they fear the consequences of a failed transaction. In a surprising turn of events, the person without a phone reveals an unexpected skill – lock picking. This revelation sparks a humorous exchange, with the other person expressing surprise and making assumptions about their criminal background. Despite the initial skepticism, the decision is made to attempt picking the lock. As the lock picking process begins, the conversation shifts to small talk, which is met with impatience from the person attempting to unlock the car.

The tension rises as the lock picking takes longer than expected, leading to frustration and a suggestion to break the window instead. After a failed attempt to break the window, a new idea emerges – picking the lock to the car’s trunk. The plan is to climb through the back seats to retrieve the goods. With a mix of skepticism and hope, the person with the locked goods encourages the lock picker to proceed. Finally, after a successful lock picking attempt, the goods are retrieved from the car. However, a new problem arises when it is discovered that the goods were not in the trunk as expected. The person with the locked goods expresses confusion and frustration, urging the lock picker to open any door to complete the transaction.

At this point, a surprising twist occurs. The person without a phone reveals that they had been deceiving the other person all along. They pull out their phone, revealing that they had the means to contact someone all along. The comedic tension is broken as both individuals realize the absurdity of the situation. In a final act of revenge, the person with the locked goods drives away, leaving the lock picker behind. The story ends with a humorous exchange, highlighting the absurdity of the situation and the consequences of their actions. Conclusion:

This comical tale highlights the importance of clear communication and the unexpected skills that can emerge in unusual circumstances. It serves as a reminder that even in the midst of a tense situation, humor and unexpected twists can turn a potentially disastrous encounter into a memorable and entertaining story.

Written, Performed and Edited by Kris and Jack.
Filmed and Graded by Oli and Vicky

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