Sunday , February 9 2025

Avengers 4 Trailer Captain Marvel Trailer will Break Internet this week

Marvel fanboys and fangirls should be happy, the Avengers 4 trailer is set to be released this Wednesday and the Captain Marvel trailer is at some point today in the USA!

Fevered speculation got us here, UK fans can expect to go google-eyed at the Captain Marvel splendiferous trailer approx Tuesday morning in Blighty. Then you may need to wait until Wednesday afternoon for the bombastic Avengers Four trailer. Which many believe to be called Avengers Annihilation.

According to Lad Bible,  and many other sites like We Got this covered this news was confirmed by some writer-geezer who works for SuperBromovies on Twitter. Dude confirmed someone was right. Not sure who.

“He’s right. Just got confirmed to me. Captain Marvel tomorrow night. Avengers 4 trailer on Wednesday morning.”

Of course we Marvel fans can barely contain our excitement. Its just a trailer which will probably tease us into a mental frothing state and not reveal anything! Avengers 4 Trailer Captain Marvel Trailer, jsut give us a trailer!

Avengers 4 Trailer Captain Marvel Trailer

But the reason for the fervour around the trailer is because it should finally reveal the title! Many an internet page has been populated with speculation around the title of the movie, which to many may reveal how the movie will play out, more than the trailer will.

Apparently, Bruce Banner aka Mark Ruffalo revealed the title on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon back in October and some were hoping he would do it again!

Not long now true believers! Hold tight! The Internet is about to go nuts! It won’t be Ralph breaking the internet, more like every Marvel fan in existence.

Or you could just get the Infinity Gauntlet and Annihilate them all! C’mon tell us the title and the whats gonna happen. I cant cope with the anticipation. We want Avengers, Captain Marvel and everyone else!

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