Tuesday , February 11 2025

Sax4Pax – Limited Edition Saxophones from WW1 Artillery Shells

Sax4Pax – Limited Edition Saxophones from WW1 Artillery Shells.

Sax4Pax Limited Edition Saxophones – The Belgian saxophone builder Adolphe Sax & Cie released a special project to make a limited edition series of 193 saxophones made from melted artillery shells from WW1. Artillery shells are made of brass, the basic material for saxophones. He was inspired by the verse from Isaiah 2:4 – a verse that inspired many artists, politicians and now also – a Belgian saxophone builder.


“…and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”

Sax4Pax - Limited Edition Saxophones from WW1 Artillery Shells

At the end of 2018, Karel Goetghebeur, owner of Adolphe Sax & Cie, want to organize a collection campaign to gather enough artillery shells for this project. In collaboration with a specialized Dutch branch of a German company, they will recycle and turn them into new sheet material.

Sax4Pax - Limited Edition Saxophones from WW1 Artillery Shells

Sax4Pax Limited Edition Saxophones
The saxophone will feature a special engraving, picturing the Iron Tower and “Pax-gate” (Diksmuide).Underneath this is will be an impression of the Tyne Cott cemetery, a British soldier at the grave of his fallen comrade, with the trenches in the foreground. The side of the saxophone will picture an engraving of the Menin Gate (ypres), where the Last Post (still) sounds every evening.

The key inlay, normally made of mother-of-pearl, will be made from the wood of a Lee Enfield stock, the rifle of the British forces during WW1. The saxophones will feature artwork in augmented reality by the British artist Scarlett Raven,
daughter of the late Raphael Ravenscroft, who played “Baker Street” for Gerry Rafferty.

“Several saxophones will be auctioned for charity”

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www.adolphesax.be www.sax4pax.com

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