Tuesday , February 11 2025

Supergirl Flash Arrow Heroes of Tomorrow 2 min trailer crossover

Heroes v Aliens: The Dominators Supergirl Flash Arrow Heroes of Tomorrow 2min trailer crossover

Have you guys seen this trailer? Its frickin’ awesome. Its almost like a Justice League Movie of 4 hours, featuring a Who’s Who of the DC TV Universe major characters like Supergirl Flash Arrow Heroes of Tomorrow.

The crossover brings together heroes from Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, The Flash, and Arrow and his crew. They come together to FIGHT a new alien invasion from the Dominators. “Heroes Vs. Aliens” kicks off in or rather at the end of Supergirl next week and will be in every DC TV show for a whole week, including Arrow’s 100th episode.

Supergirl Flash Arrow Heroes of Tomorrow

From the trailer it looks like Flash is the one that kicks things off as he discovers the Aliens landing and ship. The Dominators look super creepy and it looks like the CGI and effects have some decent budget behind them. There is the obligatory Heroes meet Hero sequences that no matter how many superhero TV shows and movies you watch always seem super cringe worthy…

Supergirl Flash Arrow Heroes of Tomorrow

There looks ot be another sweet sequence where FireStorm, SuperGirl and the Atom are hovering in the air behind the ground based heroes. Deathstroke appears in the trailer! Will we see DeathStroke take on Flash, Arrow, Wild Dog, Supergirl,  White Canary, Vixen, Citizen Steel, AND Firestorm? Will Deathstroke win?

Supergirl Flash Arrow Heroes of Tomorrow

The fight sequences in the trailer look awesome too and it looks like Green Arrow and some of the wider team are captured. We’ll never get used to the comedy bits and Felicity, but it does bring a smile to your face when Felicity utters the immortal words “Best team up ever!”

Supergirl Flash Arrow Heroes of Tomorrow

Heroes vs Aliens Synopsis for more detail on the plot and storyline and episode titles. Will they be able to beat the Dominators? Without Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman? Watch and see!

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