Thursday , February 13 2025

The Accords – The Heroes We Need

An evil force has risen to power in the United States. Violence is ravaging the country. Civil Liberties are being threatened. Never has the nation been so divided. However, with the rise of division must come unity. A greater good emerges to balance the rise of evil. Who are The Accords?

The Accords are 7 individuals from all walks of life who rise to power as hatred permeates the United States.

The Accords – The Heroes We Need.

Dr Tony Ortega, the writer, is a clinical psychologist, author of the #IsHereHereYet (2018) and #AreYouHereYet (2020) self-help books, and he’s just successfully crowdfunded graphic novel series The Accords . The first two issues were successfully crowdfunded this past July. Issue #1 is complete, waiting for the submission approval process so that it will be live in Comixology and Indy Planet. Issue #2 is in the works and will feature cover and interior art by Marvel Comics artist Luciano Vecchio (Ironheart).

Dr Ortega sent us a copy of issue 1 to review. The Accords comic book is a political/psychological/metaphysical action packed Avengers like comic birthed from current events. First impressions is the art. It immediately grabs your attention and is just gorgeous. The Kickstarter page for the comic sheds more light on Dr Ortega’s motivation for creating the comic. On the Kickstarter Dr Ortega reflects

“Today, we are blessed to have LGBT themed comics. I am thrilled to live in a city that has an LGBT comic con. My two biggest loves are comic book and metaphysics and I thought to myself, why not create a comic that incorporates both? Why not make them an all-inclusive team of all gender identities and sexual orientations? My goal in writing The Accords is to present to you something that could happen in the “real world” should this “real world” exist.  I also wanted to include transgender and heterosexual folks in the line-up as well as characters with various sexual orientations. This is not just an LGBT comic.”

The Accords cover

The Accords are truly the heroes we need today 

Each member has a power set that corresponds with one of the major chakras. To those averse to spiritual themes, please know that the comic is written to show how these things could look like in “real life” without having to meditate for hours a day on the mountains of Tibet nor memorize Bible quotes. This comic book is for EVERYONE.

The Accords consist of 7 members. All strangers prior to November 8, 2016. The team consists of : Grounder – a Caucasian cisgender heterosexual male from the midwest. Segura – a mixed person of color who identifies as a transgender female. Sire – a caucasian transgender male. Corazon – a latino cisgender homosexual male. Howl – a genderqueer pansexual person of color. Seer – a cisgender latina lesbian. Raina – a caucasian heterosexual cisgender female.

So, as mentioned the art is awesome. The story has all the key elements of a good comic book story, cool powers, cool costumes. What stands out is the connection to real world events. The lack of tolerance and over reaction to difference. This incoherent hatred that seems to be permeating through society is perfectly captured in the unreasonable reaction of a father at a comic con. His absurd plan to bomb a comic con to send the message that ‘comics need to go back to the way they were’ and not be so diverse is shocking for a comic lover like me. Comic people are the most united on earth! To think someone would go to such extreme lengths seems ludicrous but in today’s world you would not be surprised.

The Accords clip

Despite the undertones of real world, The Accords has all the main ingredients and brings you back into its escapism. Suspense, action, comic book powers and a cliffhanger which I wont give away. We recommend you check out the first issue of the Accords now!

Heres some more artwork!

Accords Raina

Accords Segura

Accords Corazon


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