Saturday , July 27 2024

Not just football: 86% believe World Cup victory could unite the country

World Cup victory is getting closer! Maybe. Its coming home, its coming home!! Over the past few weeks the country has been gripped by World Cup fever, and Saturday’s victory against Sweden has only strengthened the national sense of pride and hope. Though seemingly, the positive impact of the World Cup success so far extends far beyond sporting pride. A study by Vanquis Bank conducted after Saturday’s win of 1000 UK World Cup fans discovered that:

94% of respondents feel hopeful that England can win the world cup
90% of respondents feel more proud to be British than before the games began
91% believe World Cup victory will positively affect the economy
61% of respondents report feeling closer to the country
Over half (56%) of respondents reported feeling “generally happier” since the World Cup started

The responses may be due to, not only the sporting success of the England football team, but the social and cultural implications that participating in a global event like this can provide.

For example 53% of respondents reported that since the World Cup they have had more to look forward to. 40% of respondents have spent more time socialising during the World Cup, and nearly half of respondents (48%) have spent more time with their families. For teenagers (14 -17 year olds) this increases to a whopping 62% of respondents spending more time with family.

Likewise, over a quarter of pensioners (26%) report they have felt “less lonely” during the World Cup. 32% of respondents report feeling closer to strangers, 39% feel more engaged in culture and over a quarter (27%) of respondents have even made new friends as a result of engaging in World Cup festivities.

The win this weekend was a huge boost for English football, though the World Cup has also had huge positive impact on an individual level and been a significant boost for our sense of national pride.

For more information contact [email protected]

Study commissioned by Vanquis Bank on 7th July.

The last time and English team contested a final in Russia it didn’t go too well 🙂 Watch this Lego Football rendition of Real Madrid vs Liverpool May 2018.

And of course this page opens with a Nessun Dorma video of the England team last time England were in a World Cup Semi Final. Gives you chills doesn’t it?

C’mon England !!!!


World Cup victory

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