Monday , April 29 2024

Tag Archives: Film

As the world of film continues to grow and evolve, so does the importance of having a strong online presence. A film website is no longer just an afterthought – it’s an essential tool for filmmakers and studios alike. With millions of people searching for information about movies online every day, a well-designed and informative website can be the key to success.

A good film website should provide visitors with all the information they need to know about a particular movie or studio. This includes trailers, reviews, cast and crew bios, production notes, and more. The site should also be easy to navigate and visually appealing – after all, first impressions count.

Perhaps most importantly, a film website should be optimized for search engines like Google. This means using relevant keywords throughout the site’s content in order to improve its ranking in search results.

あたしだけをみて / Look at Me Only – Animation-Short Film

あたしだけをみて / Look at Me Only - Animation-Short Film

あたしだけをみて / Look at Me Only – Animation-Short Film あたしだけをみて / Look at Me Only – Animation-Short Film This is my graduation short film “Look at Me Only” (2016). Concept Art, Storybord▶ ガールフレンドと付き合い始めた頃の魅力をいつの間にか忘れ、「モルモット」ばかり可愛がる日々を送る男性。そんな中、お花の美女に出会う。モルモットに嫉妬するガールフレンドに比べ、モルモットの良さを理解してくれるお花の美女に惹かれていくが…。 監督・アニメーション:見里朝希 キャスト:見里瑞穂、土田優花 、水田琴美 、ミルキー(モルモット)、見里朝希 、大山夢加 美術:山本香織、名取沙季、草地紀乃、福永みくら、村松歩美、寺町美代子、野坂絵里奈、井上百合子 音楽:四方田知也、 サウンドデザイン:大山夢加 武蔵野美術大学 視覚伝達デザイン学科 2015年度卒業制作 Having forgotten exciting feelings of the …

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